
Flora Pettit events and attorney speaking engagements are listed below. Please contact us if you are interested in having one of our attorneys give a presentation to your company or organization.

Ashley Hart to Present “Introduction to eDiscovery” to the Charlottesville-Albemarle Bar Association (CABA)

Ashley Hart to Present “Introduction to eDiscovery” to the Charlottesville-Albemarle Bar Association (CABA)

Ashley Hart will be presenting “Introduction to eDiscovery” to the Charlottesville-Albemarle Bar Association, which will provide an overview of the rules governing eDiscovery, as well as common issues litigators should consider when handling cases involving electronic data, such as litigation holds, developing ESI protocols with opposing counsel, and preservation. 

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Cathy Welsh to Serve as Dinner Chair for 2024 MS Dinner of Champions

Cathy Welsh to Serve as Dinner Chair for 2024 MS Dinner of Champions

Cathy was asked to serve as Dinner Chair for this year’s MS Dinner of Champions to be held at Brix & Columns Vineyard on Thursday, August 22, 2024. She will be welcoming attendees and presenting the MS Silver Hope Award to Jim DeLucas, CDO/Board Chair, Nielsen Builders. Cathy has known Jim for years serving with him on a variety of charitable boards. Flora Pettit is also a sponsor of this premier fundraising event which garners business and individual support to benefit research and treatment of multiple sclerosis.

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Jennifer Shirkey Invited to Present at National Estate Planning Seminar for the American Law Institute

Jennifer Shirkey Invited to Present at National Estate Planning Seminar for the American Law Institute

Jennifer Shirkey has been invited to serve on the faculty for ALI CLE’s day-long Estate Planning in Depth 2024: Hot Topics and Current Developments, a day-long national webinar in July designed to offer practical advice and cutting-edge information to other attorneys on the most significant laws and trends currently affecting estate and trust planning.

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Cathy Welsh to Present a “Legislative Update” to the Shenandoah Valley Chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management (SVSHRM)

Cathy Welsh to Present a “Legislative Update” to the Shenandoah Valley Chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management (SVSHRM)

Cathy is the Legislative Chair of SVSHRM. At the Chapter’s June meeting, Cathy will update members on state and federal legislative and regulatory changes and recent significant court opinions. These include the DOL’s recent increase to the minimum salary for exempt white collar employees, the FTC’s ridiculous non-compete ban, the EEOC’s final regs on the PWFA that have given pregnancy “most favored nation status”, the NLRB’s recent opinions that have upended required union recognition and bargaining requirements, and the employment statutes that were passed the Virginia General Assembly in the 2024 session (and, as important, the ones that were vetoed by Governor Youngkin.)

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Mac Nichols and Thomas Gladin to Present on Tax-Free 1031 Exchanges

Mac Nichols and Thomas Gladin to Present on Tax-Free 1031 Exchanges

On April 26, 2023, in Harrisonburg, Mac Nichols and Thomas Gladin will discuss the benefits and logistics of using a 1031 tax-deferred exchange for investment or business real estate. Reverse exchanges, vacation property and build to suit exchanges will be covered. See details and registration information HERE. A similar event is being planned for Charlottesville in a few months.

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Cathy Welsh to Speak to Winchester Area Society for Human Resources (WASHRM)

Cathy Welsh to Speak to Winchester Area Society for Human Resources (WASHRM)

Cathy Welsh will talk via Zoom with WASHRM members about the recent changes in Virginia employment law such as the wage theft, misclassification and Virginia Values Act statutory changes that were effective July 1, 2020, along with changes with how marijuana is being handled by employers throughout the Commonwealth. Finally, Cathy will take Q&A regarding COVID-related questions.

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Cathy Welsh to Speak During a Presentation for the Shenandoah Valley Chambers of Commerce on Thursday, May 14th

Cathy Welsh to Speak During a Presentation for the Shenandoah Valley Chambers of Commerce on Thursday, May 14th

The reality: Re-opening, re-staffing, ramping back to full production, re-evaluating operation as the Governor allows Phase 1 to begin is not like opening up after closing for a snow storm, remodel-ing, re-tooling or taking a long vacation. For many business owner and managers, there are as more questions than answers.

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