Richard Howard-Smith presented a discussion on “Planned Giving: a Lunch & Learn” to the Piedmont Family YMCA, Inc. in Charlottesville; the home of the first university YMCA in the United States in 1856 at the University of Virginia. The focus of the talk was the effective use of planned gifts and retirement assets to benefit a donor’s desired charitable causes in a tax-effective manner, both during life and at death. With thoughtful planning, a motivated donor can benefit charity and their families at the same time. The talk was the product of Richard’s involvement with the Charlottesville Area Planned Giving Council, an organization that Richard helped found 24 years ago as a part of the “Leave a Legacy” campaign to benefit local charities in the Charlottesville area. He has served as a member of the Board of LAL and then the CAPGC for all of the 24 years of its sequential existence.