Estate Planning, Wealth Transfer & Estate Administration

Flora Pettit offers comprehensive estate planning services, including the use of sophisticated tax and succession planning strategies for handling substantial closely held businesses, qualified retirement plans, and other forms of accumulated wealth. Whether your needs are simple or complex, we draw on decades of experience across thousands of clients to craft an estate plan that is both personalized and practical. We also regularly serve as counsel to institutional fiduciaries and represent fiduciaries and beneficiaries in trust and estate dispute litigation. Estate and trust administration and post-mortem estate planning round out our services in this practice area.

Our services include:

  • Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, and Advance Medical Directives: We draft planning documents to ensure clients’ financial, legal, and medical affairs are handled according to their wishes. This can also include assistance with beneficiary designations and other techniques and strategies for transferring a client’s wealth. Our documents reflect decades of combined hands on experience navigating clients through challenging life transitions and the relevant financial, legal, and other institutions that may become involved.

  • Business and Farm Succession Planning. Flora Pettit attorneys have assisted thousands of families in solving the challenging problem of how to divide a farm, a spring, a unique scenic or natural resource, a family mountain retreat, or the gas, solar or wind potential of certain real estate holdings among the next generation of owners. Our estate tax attorneys not only minimize, if not eliminate, estate and gift taxes, they are highly skilled in minimizing the family tension that goes along with developing the appropriate division plan.

  • Minimizing Family Tension. We recognize the need to carefully plan estates when Mom and Dad are no longer present to “referee” the division of assets and other complicated family matters that present themselves. This means that estate planning is much more than the preparation of documents. It involves significant counseling.

  • Tax & Probate Cost Minimization. With our strong tax expertise, we are equipped to save significant tax dollars, as well as minimize the ever increasing cost of the probate process.

  • Estate Administration. We have assisted hundreds of clients through the estate administration process. We assist our clients to provide clear, concise communication to develop and steer the process to avoid family tensions.

  • Estate Litigation. Sometimes estate plans do not work and litigation is necessary to resolve unplanned, or poorly planned, estates. We have experience representing individual and institutional trustees, executors, personal representatives and beneficiaries of trusts and estates.

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