Flora Pettit Corporate Transparency Act Compliance Resources
On December 23, 2024, a panel of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals granted a temporary stay of the district court’s December 3, 2024, order described below which issued a nationwide injunction of enforcement of the CTA. Then on December 26, 2024, another panel of the 5th Circuit reversed the prior panel and effectively reinstated the stay of enforcement pending the expedited appeal. When the December 23, 2024, order was entered the Department of Treasury gave a very limited, basically 2-week, extension of the original filing deadline.
We encourage clients who have not already reported beneficial owners under the CTA to consider doing so now, so you are not caught unaware amidst the changing court orders and deadlines. Please refer to the Resources below which can assist you in doing so.
On December 3, 2024, a federal court in Texas has issued a nationwide preliminary injunction against the enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). An appeal has been filed. Businesses are waiting to see whether the new Administration will make any changes to CTA regulations, guidance, or enforcement. We recommend clients prepare for potential performance by informing themselves about the CTA and determining who their Beneficial Owners are. If the Texas decision is overruled, we expect businesses will be given additional time to report, but we will not know how much additional time unless and until that occurs.
Beginning January 1, 2024, certain types of entities created in or registered to do business in the United States must report information about their beneficial owners—the persons who ultimately own or control the company—to the Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). This requirement is part of federal legislation known as the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA).
Linked below are Resources to assist Flora Pettit clients in understanding and meeting their CTA reporting obligations, if any.
Flora Pettit is happy to assist clients with understanding and meeting their obligations under the CTA and its beneficial ownership information (BOI) reporting requirements.
Flora Pettit is not filing CTA reports for clients. We are assisting clients with understanding how to do so themselves or how to use a third party vendor to do so. We cannot assume a client’s obligation to file updated CTA reports with FinCEN for the simple reason that we will not know when changes requiring an updated filing have occurred.
Flora Pettit CTA Resources:
Corporate Transparency Act Article
by Flora Pettit Attorney Richard H. Howard- Smith
Flora Pettit CTA Notice to Clients with pre-2024 created entities
Flora Pettit CTA Notice to Clients of 2024 created entities
Update Requirements Under the CTA
Texas Decision Issuing Nationwide Injunction Against CTA Enforcement
FinCEN CTA Resources:
To obtain a FinCEN Identifier - https://fincenid.fincen.gov/landing
FinCEN CTA Small Business Compliance Guide - https://www.fincen.gov/sites/default/files/shared/BOI_Small_Compliance_Guide.v1.1-FINAL.pdf
FinCEN CTA FAQ’s - https://www.fincen.gov/boi-faqs
FinCEN FAQs Exemptions to BOI Reporting Requirements - FinCEN Exemptions to BOI Reporting Requirements.pdf
FinCEN BOI Reporting Form - FinCEN BOI Reporting Form.pdf
FinCEN Scam Alert - FinCEN Scam Alter December 18, 2024.pdf
Third Party Services:
Corporate Transparency Act | CSC (cscglobal.com)
Corporate Transparency Act Resources | Cogency Global Corporate Business Services
Corporate Transparency Act Resources from CT Corporation | Wolters Kluwer